ORIS Materials Intelligence - Cookie Policy
Last updated on: 2024 June 26
The purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you in a clear and transparent manner about the use of cookies and you visit the https://www.oris-connect.com website (the "Site") managed by ORIS, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 903 014 108, whose registered office is at 54/56 avenue Hoche 75008 Paris ("Oris", "our" or "we").
A Cookie is an information file sent to your browser and stored on the terminal (e.g. computer, tablet or smartphone). More specifically, a Cookie includes information such as:
- Internet browser cookie data (cookie identifiers, time/date, selected services/products, consent and approved cookie types);
- Device data (device type, screen resolution, operating system version, browser rendering kernel, version and basic settings);
- Log data (time and duration of use of the Site and search data);
- Location data (data relating to your country of access as indicated by your device);
- Behavioral data (data relating to your use of the Site that we may process if you visit or use third-party sites or applications to cooperate with us, and data relating to how you participate in Site content, such as pages visited, whether you come from a marketing campaign, key clicks, etc.).
To find out more about the processing of your personal data, please consult our Privacy Policy www.oris-connect.com/data-privacy.
There are different types of cookies:
- First-party, which are installed by the Site when you are visiting it;
- Third party, which are installed by a domain name other than the Site (for example, a social network).
In addition, a distinction must be made between cookies that are "strictly necessary" for the proper operation of the Site and for which your consent is not required, and cookies that are "not strictly necessary" and for which your consent is required.
You can deactivate the cookies to which you have consented at any time, free of charge, using the deactivation options provided below.
Cookies used strictly for the proper functionning of the Site does not require to ask for your consent. We will only store or read on your device cookies that are not strictly necessary and process the associated personal data (or authorize our partners to do so) if you have given and not withdrawn your consent.
On your first visit to our Site, you will be invited to consent to cookies that are not strictly necessary. You can accept them all by selecting "Accept" or refuse them by selecting "Decline".
You can also give your specific consent for each separate purpose by clicking on the "Cookie Management Center" link.
When you accept or refuse the deposit of cookies, a cookie is deposited on your terminal for a duration of 6 months in order to record your choice. If you delete this cookie, it will no longer be possible to identify you as having accepted or refused the use of cookies. Consequently, you will be offered the choice concerning cookies again the next time you visit the Site.
It is specified that the simple fact of continuing navigation without clicking on one of the options proposed by this Cookies banner is akin to a refusal of consent.
If you refuse consent for cookies that are not strictly necessary, no cookies will be placed, and we will not process any personal data relating to them.
Any use of a cookie or associated personal data prior to the withdrawal of your consent will be valid and legal.
If you refuse or withdraw your consent to the use of cookies that are not strictly necessary, the corresponding functionality or features of the Site may not function properly or at all. Your use of the Site's core functionalities will not be affected.
If you disable essential cookies (or all cookies) using your Internet browser settings, one or more of the Site's central functions and features, including those designed to ensure that your visit is safe and secure, will not function properly, if at all.
You can manage and modify the use of cookies at any time using the options listed below:
- Directly on our Site, via the preferences management center, accessible at any time on all Site pages by clicking on the link " Cookies management center "; or
- From your Internet browser; or
- Opposition platforms.
4.1 Internet browser settings
You can configure your Internet browser so that cookies are stored on your terminal or rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender. You can also regularly delete cookies from your terminal via your Internet browser.
The configuration of each Internet browser is different. For example :
- Chrome™ : https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr&hlrm=en
- Internet Explorer™ : https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
- Safari™ :https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?viewlocale=fr_FR&locale=fr_FR
- FireFox™ :http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/cookies-informations-sites-enregistrent?redirectlocale=fr&redirectslug=G%C3%A9rer+les+cookies
- Opera™ :http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
Please note, however, that if you set your browser to reject cookies, certain functions, pages and areas of the Site that require the use of cookies will not be accessible, for which we cannot be held responsible.
To find out more about how to configure your Internet browsers, please visit the Cnil website.
4.2 Opposition platforms
Many professional advertising platforms also offer you the option of refusing or accepting cookies used by their member companies. These centralized mechanisms do not block the display of advertisements, but only prevent the installation of cookies used to tailor ads to your interests and behavior.
For example, you can log on to www.youronlinechoices.com to prevent cookies from being installed on your terminal. This site is proposed by digital advertising professionals grouped within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
This will enable you to find out which companies are registered with this platform and offer you the option of refusing or accepting the cookies they use to tailor the ads that may be displayed on your browser, based on the data they collect.
This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and constitutes a centralized interface enabling you to express your refusal or acceptance of cookies as specified above.
For more information on cookies or the data processing deriving from the use of cookies or on how to exercise your rights you can send us an e-mail with at the following address: hello@oris-connect.com or check our Privacy Policy www.oris-connect.com/data-privacy.
We may modify, supplement or update this cookie policy at any time, in particular in order to take into account legal, regulatory and/or case law developments and/or changes in the way we carry out our activities or the implementation of new processing.