Scientific alignment for infrastructure
validated for EN, ISO, PAS standards

ORIS Materials Intelligence enables infrastructure project teams to ensure compliance with international regulations, standards, and requirements in the calculations performed using our tools and software.

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Life Cycle Analysis for Infrastructure


EN 17472 - Sustainability of construction works - Sustainability assessment of civil engineering works - Calculation methods

EN 17472 is the standard that establishes the prerequisites and methods for analyzing the social, environmental, and economic performance of a civil engineering project. This standard also takes into account the technical and functional characteristics of civil engineering works.



PAS 2080 - Carbon management in infrastructure

PAS 2080 is a carbon management framework for infrastructure projects that guides projects in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, based on a lifecycle approach.

Life Cycle Analysis for Construction Materials


EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 - Contribution of construction works to sustainable development - Environmental product declarations - Rules governing categories of construction products

EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 is a European standard that defines the rules for calculating Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for construction products. It provides a standardized framework for assessing the environmental impact of products throughout their lifecycle (from production to end of life), using a lifecycle assessment (LCA) approach.




 ISO 21930:2017 - Sustainable development in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for environmental declarations of construction products and services

ISO 21930:2017 standard defines the rules for environmental product declarations (EPD) for materials and services used in the construction sector. It establishes a framework for assessing and communicating the environmental impacts of a product transparently by following a life cycle assessment approach.

 ISO 14067:2018 - Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines for quantification

ISO 14067:2018 standard specifies the principles, requirements, and guidelines for the calculation and communication of the carbon footprint of products. It focuses on quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout a product's life cycle using a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach.

Independent Assurance Statement from Intertek



Following an in-depth analysis of the algorithms, database, and processes of ORIS Materials Intelligence, including multiple use cases, Intertek has issued an independent assurance statement on the methodology used to develop the carbon footprint calculation models employed by ORIS—which adhere to the following international standards:


  • ISO 14067:2018 : Greenhouse gases - Product carbon footprint - Requirements and guidelines for quantification
  • EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 : Contribution of construction works to sustainable development - Environmental product declarations - Rules governing categories of construction products
  • ISO 21930:2017 : Sustainable development in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for environmental declarations of construction products and services